Which CPU will be the processor in future Amigas?
18/1/1998 by Joe Torre
One man's answers to common questions about the choice of
processors in future Amiga computers.
Q. Which CPU is more in the Amiga s future, 68K or
A. Both of them. Amiga has the 68k for legacy compatibility, the
PPC for speed. The flexibility of the Amiga architecture has
allowed it to gain a PPC chip(s) for computationally intensive
tasks like rendering, (de)compression, (de)encryption, etc. The 68K
provides 100% software compatibility, while the PPC provides the
horsepower. As more of us upgrade to 68K+PPC we will have more and
more software for our Amigas that harness the capabilities of
Q. Will a PPC accelerator be required to run
A. Definitely not. The OS upgrade is for existing machines as
well as future ones. We wish to maximize the value and appeal of
WB3.5, so all users will upgrade upon release.
Q. Since a native PPC version of WB3.5 would be faster
than a 68K version, why is it being written for 68k
A. To support the existing Amiga Community. Whatever CPU
AmigaDOS was ported to it would run faster if the CPU was faster.
The time it takes to market is an important consideration. The time
it takes to add an accelerator board is under 20 minutes, but
porting the OS to PPC would take a year plus. The WB3.5 upgrade is
for the hundreds of thousands of 680x0 machines in use today, with
or without PPC co-processors. More Amiga users benefit from a 68K
upgrade sooner, than a PPC upgrade later, to hardware they don't
Q. Will there be a PPC only version of
A. Third party AmigaDOS licenses are free to port to Alpha, PPC,
MIPS etc. These CPUs may be ideal for embedded (non-Amiga)
applications that AmigaDOS excels at. While these ports will
no-doubt be fast, especially compared to the bloated OS' that
usually run on such hardware. Although they can t be considered to
be Amiga compatible unless they provide some sort of chipset and
68K emulation.
Q. What about The Motorola ColdFire family as a
A. The ColdFire is less than 30% code compatible with 68K, and
low in price, high in performance. The ColdFire has a reduced set
of instructions, which make it very fast, but it lacks many of the
bitfield operations that are critical to AmigaDOS. Using ColdFire
would require a complete rewrite of AmigaDOS, and would be
incompatible with the existing commercial programs, and all of the
great Aminet archive.
Q. Will Amiga Inc. be making new Amigas?
A. No, Amiga, Inc. will not be making new machines. New machines
will come from companies who have a license from Amiga
International. Petro has been very successful licensing the Amiga
technology. Check the Amiga International web page at http://www.amiga.de for the long list of
licensees. Look to those companies for the new Amiga models. These
companies brought to the Amiga refinements like RTG, AHI, PPC, Wide
SCSI, and even PCI! These companies need your feedback as to what
kind of features you prefer in a new Amiga model. They will only
produce the kinds of Amigas you want to buy.