The Second Amiga owners: 1984 - 1994
The Commodore period was a time of almost unequally prosperity for
the Amiga. The company provided the financial backing needed to
develop the dream prototype into a commercial product. The original
Los Gatos team were taken out of the picture and Commodore-Amiga
developed the high-end system into a computer for the masses. The
resulting A500, A500+, A600, and A1200 systems achieved these
goals, offering advanced features in a low-end package.
Over a number of years Commodore developed the Amiga from the
basic 68000 512k system up to the advanced 68040 processor. The
unique graphics chipset was upgraded three times, OCS, ECS, and
finally AGA. However, the financial ineptitude of Commodore led the
Amiga down a path of destruction and in 1994 the company went
The History of Commodore
A small selection of the 8-bit
machines produced by Commodore before the Amiga
Commodore PC
Commodore Monitors
Amiga 570 CD drive
CD32 Game Console Debug
A4000 MPEG card
CD1200 CD-ROM drive
Amiga Items
Operating Systems
Behind the curtain- AmigaOS Development
What the future would have been like
if Commodore still existed.
The future of the Amiga if the
Commodore UK MBO had been successful
Interview with David Pleasance and
Colin Proudfoot on the future of the Amiga (December 1994)
Commodore-Amiga Sales Figures
Tales from Commodore
A1000 Signatures
Amiga Bus- The Mobile Media Lab
Commodore Photo Album.
Historical Documents
Commodore to buy Amiga (24th
July 1984)
Information about Commodore International-
Very Interesting
Presentation manual for Commodore
The Amiga in Japan- An old document on
Amigas sold in Japan.
Commodore assure the public that the Amiga
is not dead.
Lew Eggebrecht's talk on Commodore
plans for AA+ and AAA
A report from the World of Commodore 1992
CD32: The Hyper-Museum
The last people at Commodore
Document from the Commodore sale in April
1995 (65.4k)
Commodore- For sale (19k)
liquidation brochure for the West Chester headquarters (large
Last Update: 28/2/2002