Executive Update
Dear Amiga Family:
It is now November 2000, eleven months after we took over the helm
of Amiga. We have made some changes to the original plan, and
continue to do our best in carrying the vision forward.
In the next two weeks, the next new product from Amiga will
begin shipping - Amiga OS 3.9! This build has been designed
specifically for one group - You, the Amiga family. We have been
working very closely with Haage and Partner in creating a great new
product offering for Amiga that you will all be very proud of.
Will there be a 4.0? This really depends on the sales of OS 3.9.
You see, we did not have any plans for another version of the
Classic OS. But we continued to receive requests, and because we
listen to community, we decided to move ahead with Haage and
Partner on this project. If OS 3.9 sells well, and we see a
continuing need to produce for the existing Classic Amiga platform,
then there is a strong possibility of a 4.0.
It is in your hands.
No matter what happens, AmigaDE is still moving ahead quickly
and we look forward to delivering another version of the Amiga
Software Development Kit (SDK) with new features and enhancements.
In the coming weeks, we will be adding 3D and sound to AmigaDE.
There are many more exciting things happening at Amiga and I
look forward to sharing with you all of the great details, and
announcements in Koln, Germany in December. I look forward to
meeting all of you there, at the Amiga World tradeshow. Bring a
Looking forward to a great visit in Koln, and a wonderful
holiday season,
Bill McEwen and the rest of the Amiga team.