Pocket Pak for Pocket PC

Developer: Microsoft, Amiga Inc.& others
Launch: December 2002
Platform: Pocket PC (Amiga DE) |
The first product of Amiga Inc's growing relationship with Microsoft - an Amiga
title appearing on a Microsoft-sanctioned smart card. The card features 6 games,
with particular emphasis being placed upon Amiga's title. The manufacturer description
lists the contents as:
- 5 Rapture Games (Task Master, Cubicle Chaos, Killer Commute,
Fire Drill and Stock Scramble
- 1 Amiga game (Crossword Evolution)
- 2 Club Pocket PC Themes
- 1 e-book, Pocket Word (a how-to and tips book)
- Special offer/rebates inserts from Targus, Handango, Handmark and Pharos
- Pointers to key web experiences: Club Pocket PC, http://www.pocketpc.com
The card incorporates a Pocket PC version of the game, compiled along with
the Amiga/Tao Group virtual processor. Although unremarkable, the game pack
provides further exposure for ZeoNeo (the developers behind Crossword Evolution)
and indicates that Amiga Inc. are actively promoting their products to other
markets, contrary to accusations.
Last Update: 15/12/2002