First issue release
date: November 1990 |
Final issue release
date: January 1992 |
Publisher: MC
Publications |
Coverage: Games |
Country published:
Great Britain |
No. of issues:12 |
Medium: Print |
Status: Dead |
Web Address:
None |
Amiga Fun was a short-lived games magazine launched by MC
Publications in November 1990. The main focus of the magazine
differed from alternative publications- the 28 page 'pamphlet' was
considered secondary to the complete, previously unreleased cover
game. In most instances this was a predictable platformer starring
'Herbie Stone'. These games were written by various European groups
specifically for the magazine.
It was clear that the cover disk was used as the deciding factor to
purchase the magazine. There was a clear lack of effort to enforce
any type of quality control because it was seen as an unimportant
factor that would not affect circulation. This resulted in numerous
spelling mistakes, poor grammar (I know I make similar mistakes but
a news-stand magazine should have higher standards), and a complete
lack of punctuation. Screenshots appeared grainy as if they had
been scanned from another magazine. Reviews were also basic,
providing only a limited description and opinion of the
Over the following five months the design and layout steadily
improved, expanding to 44 pages, but reviews remained
disappointingly basic.
In issue 6 the magazine underwent
its biggest change, moving to a multi-platform status. The cover
title remained the same but inside lay a new magazine called
'Computer Fun'. In addition, three platform-specific variants were
launched- C64 Fun, ST Fun, and PC Fun.
These titles included the same content with the exception of the
cover and a cover game written for a specific machine. This
confused readers and was universally disliked. However, in its
defence the magazine did improve in quality, covering a greater
range of games and adding a letters section. They also dispensed
with the irritating Herbie Stone character only to replace him with
an even more irritating frog. Reviews
improved in their length and quality, but remained unprofessional
utilizing an ugly layout and multiple typefaces.
The new look was short-lived with the announcement that the
magazine would undergo a second redesign in issue 10 (August 1991).
As part of this 'upgrade' it was announced that the magazine would
not be available. At the time this was considered to be a foolish
move- in the absence of a regular magazine regular readers would
turn to alternative titles that were released monthly. As a
sweetener for this piece of news the next issue was promised to be
a 132 page 'bumper edition' that was to go on sale in October. In
actuality the issue would remain the same size (100 pages) and
would not be available until November 1991. It was clear that
confidence in the magazine was beginning to wan.
As part of the new look, the magazine introduced a fresh review
system divided into sonics, graphics, gameplay, and a final score.
There were also reviews of a selection of videos, the feature
placed the likes of Madonna, a sheep and a goldfish side-by-side in
an effort to find the most disturbing image imaginable. I still
have nightmares of this combination!
The new look lasted for two issues when the magazine took a not
unexpected turn for the worse. The only indication that this would
be the final issue was an unusual 2 page spread that cheekily
"Are you getting enough!" (surely that should be a question
Two months later the shelves had been replaced by a new title-
Amiga Mania signalled a return to
Amiga-specific coverage, indicating that the magazine had been
abandoned and considered a failure.
View Amiga Fun November 1990- Issue 1
View Amiga Fun April 1991- Issue 6
View Amiga Fun January 1992- Issue 12