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Gareth Knight
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AmigaObjects are the new buzzword that Amiga say will revolutionize the computing industry. Little is known about them, with most descriptions functioning as a comparison to natural world features or marketing jargon. The Amiga Technology Brief indicates that the technology is a network-enabled system that allows devices on different computers to work together. For example, a laptop may be able to use a TV tuner connected to another machine on the network. The choice of the Java language from Sun Microsystems indicates a move towards complete Object Orientation, working in an OO environment. It is likely that AmigaObjects will use Java-based devices as a jumpgate for developing their technology in embedded devices. AmigaObjects will form the 'glue' that links 3rd party technologies together- Java, Jini, OpenGL and several audio and video codec's will instantly work within the OO environment.

The relationship to other AmigaObjects appears similar to the Amiga .library system found in Classic Amigas. If the "library" is improved at a later date, the application that accesses the library reaps the benefit of this. A more obvious comparison could be made to Datatype-aware paint programs. These are able to take advantage of third party Datatypes to load image formats that did not even exist when the application was written. This was particularly useful in the Amigas early adoption of the PNG format, while other operating systems were forced to wait two years for any real support. Similarly, AmigaObjects are net-aware from the start without the need to add this by the programmer. If there is a bug in an AmigaObject, fixing it will instantly fix all applications that depend upon the particular function.


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