Jonathon Anderson
Joint managing director of Amiga Technologies UK. Resigned,
allegedly over an incident with Amiga Power magazine. |
Giles Bourdin
Escom/Amiga Technologies Press relations officer. Currently
Vice-President of International Business Development at NetBooster. |
Dr. Hartmutt Esslinger
Founder and President of Frogdesign, developing corporate
strategy.Created the post-Commodore look of the Amiga. |
Jeff Frank
Commodore director of PC product who was retained to provide
technicalassistance manufacturing the Amiga. |
Don Gilbreath
Director of product and Market Development at Commodore
Internationalfrom 1980 to 1992. He became Chief Technical Officer
at VisCorp, workingalongside Amiga Technologies on the Amiga
ED. |
Ed Goffman
Escom lawyer and general council to Commodore. Worked with Amiga
Technologiesto relaunch the Amiga and licence the technology.
Prevented Quikpak fromselling their range of Amigas during
1998. |
Dr. Peter Kittel
Worked for Commodore Germany in the engineering department. Hired
byAmiga Technologies as their documentation writer and web services
manager.He is still an active Amiga user. |
Manfred Schmitt
Founder of Escom. He was replaced during 1996 at the beginning of
theirfinancial troubles. |
John Smith
Joint managing director of Amiga Technologies UK. |
Petro Taras Tyschtschenko
Born in 1943. Petro was first regarded with some suspicion when
hefirst took over at Amiga Technologies. Since then he has managed
to keepthe platform alive, even during the Escom liquidation. He is
more of a salesman than technology-orienated but supports the Amiga
without th epersonal politics that have plagued other Amiga
employees. Petro retired in 2001. |
Gwynne Thomas
Materials director at Amiga Technologies |
Bernard Van Tienen
Represented the Escom parent company at Amiga presentations. |