C- A programming language available for most
modern systems. Due to the ease of portability, it has established
itself as the standard that many software houses program in.
However, it is not as optimised as software programmed in
C++- An extension on the "C" language mentioned
above. It includes a greater number of features.
CACHE MEMORY- An area of memory used to
store information to increase the system speed.
CAD- computer Aided Design. A process of
storing images mathematically, as used in technical drawing.
CBM- Commodore Business Machines
CDI- A computer system developed by Sony,
Philips and Matsushita to bridge the gap between computer and
CD-ROM-Compact Disc read Only Memory. This
means that it is on CD and it cannot be written to. One CD can
store the equivalent of 640 Amiga 880K disks.
CDTV- Stands for Commodore Dynamic Total
Vision. It was basically an A500 with CD-ROM drive instead of a
disk drive and an infrared controller.
CENTRAL PROCESSOR- The CPU on an Amiga is one
of the 680x0 family. The A500 has a 68000
processor, whilst PCs use the 80x86 family and the Pentium.
CGA- Colour Graphics Adapter. An old PC
graphics card standard capable of displaying 4 colours out of a
possible 8 in up to 320x200 pixels.
CHIP RAM- This is also known as graphics memory
as it is used to display whatever is on the screen, such as an
image. It is memory allocated to the custom chips. At present, it
is limited to 2mb as seen in the A1200 and A4000.
CHROMA KEY- With one of these you can replace a
colour on a TV/video with a computer image, such as a weather
CHRP - The Common Hardware Reference Platform
is a standard agreed by Apple, IBM, and Motorola to provide
compatibility across all PowerPC systems. The main features
of CHRP are its basis on the PowerPC architecture and the hardware
bus independence.In theory, all CHRP systems should be able to run
MacOS, OS/2-PPC, Windows NT, AIX, Solaris, Novell Netware, and
possibly other operating systems. This means that, like the Intel
platform, operating systems designed by one company, should be able
to run on all PowerPC based systems.
CHUNKY PIXEL- A graphics mode where all of the
information relating to a particular area, such as a colour are
stored together. This allows them to be calculated and accessed
faster. Used by the PC, Mac, and Amigas with graphic cards.
Examples of chunky graphics are 3D games such as Quake.
CISC- Complex Instruction Set Chips. As used by
the Motorola 680x0 and Intel 80x86 family.
CLI- Command Line Interface. A program that
allows you to type in commands for the system to process.
CLIPBOARD- A number of files stored in RAM or
on the hard drive that contains information that is being
transferred between programs.
COLD REBOOT- The process of turning of the
Amiga by the switch and then switching it on again.
COMMAND- An instruction to tell the Amiga to do
something. These can be entered into the AmigaShell (CLI). E.g.
COMPOSITE VIDEO- The combination of black and
white video and colour into one signal.
COMPUGRAPHIC- One of the most popular formats
for scaleable fonts on the Amiga, used in programs such as
COMMAND HISTORY- Allows the user to display
text previously typed in the Shell, by pressing the ARROW UP
COMMODITIES- A standard utility framework that
allows the programmer to produce system hacks, known as
"Commodities" that alter the behaviour and look of the AmigaOS.
COMPILER- A program that translates code into
an executable program.
CONVENTIONAL MEMORY- Even Windows 95 is held
back by the limitations of conventional memory. It is a left over
from the 8088/80286 processors to retain compatibility. Like chip
ram, it is stuck at a certain amount, in this case 640K.
COPPER- A coprocessor that handles the Amiga
display. This is controlled by the "Copper List" that includes
information on the screens open.
COPROCESSOR- A separate processor that
performs operations on the display, freeing the CPU. Its speciality
is raster synchronisation. Also known as the copper.
CPS- Characters Per Second. A measurement of
the speed of data output.
CPU- Central Processing Unit. The "brain" of
the computer.
CRASH- An unrecoverable software failure. Also
an old Spectrum magazine.
CROSSDOS- The last remains of a software
emulator for the Amiga called Cross-PC. It enables you to read and
write to disks formatted on other machines, such as the PC, MAC,
and ST. More information
CUSTOM CHIPS- These are the Amiga's
coprocessors that handled various sections of the machine, such as
sound. These are called Agnus, Denise, Paula, and Gary.
CYCLE GADGET- A gadget that allows the user to
choose between certain options.