Short for Change Directory, this move you to a different
directory without having to manually move to the root drawer and
then into the directory. For example, typing "CD
DH0:SYSTEM" immediately places you in that directory. This
makes it very fast for CLI navigation. Many PC users will type this
automatically as you cannot change directory in DOS without typing
CD. Luckily the Amiga OS is a bit easier to use in that
Typing the CD command and then a qualifier will produce varying
results. Many of these will be recognisable to the average PC
owner, and Amiga users will found them useful to know on most
operating systems.
CD / -The single slash moves you up to the
directory directly above the one you are presently in. This may
sound confusing but can be easily explained through the use of a
simple diagram.
/ | \
System C Libs
/ | \
Spam Command RTG
/ | \
Ham Text Spoon
The single slash will move you up the directory hierarchy into
the one above. So, if you were in the RTG directory, you would be
moved into the Libs drawer.
CD // -If you want to move up to a directory,
that is itself in a directory, multiple slashes can be added. For
example, if you were in the Text directory, adding two slashes
would result in the user (i.e. you) moving to the C directory.
CD -If you wish to move to the main root
directory, e.g. DH0: simply add the colon.
Things to remember...
If you are trying to move into a directory that has a space in
between the text, such as "A DRAWER", you should either rename the
directory, adding a dash so that it appears as such "A_DRAWER", or
enclose the directory name in quotation marks, resulting in "A
DRAWER". Otherwise AmigaDOS will simply look for a directory called
A and return an error message when it cannot find one.