First issue release
date: December 1994 |
Final issue release
date: 1995 |
Publisher: Paragon
Publishing |
Coverage: Games
magazine |
Country published:
United Kingdom |
No. of issues: 3 |
Medium: Paper |
Status: Dead |
To complement the existing CD32
Gamer magazine (or to make even more money if you are cynical
enough), Paragon Publishing launched a spin-off title called Amiga
CD32 Special. The first edition hardly differed from issue seven of
CD32 Gamer. The magazine itself reviewed Alien Breed: Tower
Assault, Beneath the Steel Sky, Roadkill, Fields of Glory, Marvin's
Marvellous Adventure, Alien Breed and Jungle Strike. There were
also previews of Evasive Action and World Cup Gold. As was common
at the time, the making of the cover CD was harvested out to Multi
Media Machine who gathered software and produced a custom front-end
for it. This usually included a few game demos, animation's,
shareware, and the best from the demo scene. Apart from the game
demos this was mostly shovelware. Fortunately most of it was of
high quality, featuring work by Eric Schwartz amongst others. The
careful observer would also find a full version of Workbench on the
CD, including many libraries from the 1.3 release to allow certain
games to work. Even with this added padding the CD hardly took
advantage of the storage capacity, barely reaching 100Mb of
software on most issues. As the Amiga CD Guide indicates, the
special edition CD appeared as such:
Game Demos
Rise of the Robots, Bubble 'n' Squeak, and Wembley International
MPEG CD32 advert
Fatal Mission, Jar, Klawz, Mr Men Olympics, and Time Runners.
Air Hockey, Bullrun, Entity, Star Base 13, and Star Trek TNG
Duncan Dungbeetle, Korean Conflict, Stop Smoking, Terminal, and
Vietnam Conflict.
The only features that distinguished issue 7 of CD32 Gamer and
the special edition was the full version of Lamborghini American
Challenge sealed in a jewel case. The special edition retailed for
9.99UKP, five pounds more than the plain edition.
Issue 2
The second edition went on sale around April 1995. Rather than
being a reprint of CD32 Gamer, issue 2 was a tips special dedicated
to the Quik the Thunder Rabbit- a full commercial game that was
included on the CD.
View CD32 Gamer Issue 2 (194k)
View CD32 Special issue 3