© 1997-2006
Gareth Knight
All Rights reserved


Developer: Computer National Inc.
Announcement: 2001 |

A second attempt at resurrecting the Commodore brand for the
convergence market. The Commodore Evolution promises the following
- Operating system, equipped with graphical user interface,
located in ROM.
- 200 MHz - 500 MHz CPU
- Expandable to 512 Mb
- Commodore-compatible 6502 on-board
- TV or SVGA output
- 56k modem or Ethernet
- Web browser
- E-mail
- Basic programming language
The system is obviously aimed at the extreme low-end of the market,
located between the Bush InternetTV and the Gateway Touchpad. It
provides some of the basic features of a traditional computer - web
browsing and basic programming language - without confusing the
user with OS installations. The basic programming language is a
novelty for this market, resembling the Microsoft-developed basic
language of the original Commodore 64. However, the on-board 6502
processor is a questionable addition The specifications indicate
that the machine will include a physical 6502 chip; why include an
expensive processor that can be emulated in software? What possible
benefit can be gained? Furthermore, the case design is unoriginal,
bearing a strong resemblance to several other existing products.
Computers National, Inc. appear to have simply added a Commodore
logo to the mouse. Many Commodore and Amiga owners suspect the
machine is a fake, reminiscent of the iWin announcements during
1999. Time will tell...

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