Letter to the community from Commodore UK, sometime before XMas
I'm not sure exactly when David Pleasance issued this statement.
Although the mention of the Christmas period places it sometime
during September or October 1994.
Over the past few months the speculation about Commodore, and in
particular about the future of the Amiga, has been rife.
I would like to put "the record straight" so to speak, and bring
you up to date as to the latest position.
Our parent company, Commodore International Limited, and its
subsidiary Commodore Electronics Limited, are both in liquidation,
under the jurisdiction of the Bahamian Courts (C.I.L. and C.E.L.
are both registered in the Bahamas).
The liquidators, Delliotte Touche, are actively seeking to sell
the assets of both C.I.L. and C.E.L.
There are a number of bids in place for various combinations of
the assets. Colin Proudfoot and I, along with two senior executives
of commodore International (but not Mehdi Ali) have made a bid,
which if successful will give us the rights to manufacture, sell
and market the whole range of Commodore Products, past, present and
future, on a world-wide basis.
We have raised the necessary finance and believe we will be
successful in our to purchase this business. If we are successful,
we will give priority to our core business, the UK and ensure that
the loyalty that has been shown to us will be rewarded.
Our budgets do include a significant level of advertising
spending, which we will use to the very best effect.
The Amiga CD32, Amiga 1200, Amiga 4000 and CD 1200 will be
produced and sold during the Christmas period. It is anticipated
that if all goes to schedule, we will be delivering product around
the first week of November, possible the second week. It is our
belief that by far the majority of retailers will be out of current
stock by the end of September/early October, so there will only be
a short delay before new bundles arrive.
Rest assured, our plans include the best packs we have ever
I know these are trying times for us all, but I give you my
personal word that we are doing everything in our power to ensure
that not only do we keep the Amiga family alive, but that we also
lift the brand up to its righful place at the top of the market
where it belongs.
Thank you for your highly valued support, without which we would
not have a business worth fighting for.
Very best wishes
David Pleasance
Managing Director
Sales & Marketing