Another obvious name, delete unsurprisingly deletes specified files. If you are using anything less than Workbench 2.0 you will only be able to use the "All" and "Quiet" functions.
This tells AmigaDOS to delete all of the files in the chosen directory.
When Quiet is set, no further information on what is being deleted is displayed on the screen.
USE WITH CAUTION. This deletes all files and directories irrespective of the protection bits that are set. Even if a file is protected form deletion, delete will forcefully enable it.
Other Functions
It can also delete multiple directories, even if it does not find one of them. Enter the files to be deleted one after another, press and the Amiga will delete all the files specified. DELETE DH0:TEST DH1:GAMES DH2:TEXT
It can be used to delete files with a certain extension by typing DELETE #?.IFF. This deletes all files with the extension .IFF.