ECS-Enhanced Chip Set. The second design for
the Amiga custom chips. A major redesign of the OCS chipset. It is
found in most 16 bit Amigas, including the A500+, A600, and
ED- The standard text editor supplied with all
Amigas, located in the C: directory. It is quite old and
EDIT- Another text editor supplied with all
Amigas. Like ED, it is located in the C: directory. It can only
handle one line at a time and manages to invalidate my hard drive
every time I use it. Horrible.
EDUTAINMENT- An annoying phrase used to
describe software that EDUcates and enterTAINs.
EGA- Enhanced Graphics Adapter. An old PC
graphics card standard, capable of displaying 16 colours on screen
at a 640x350 resolution.
EGS- Enhanced Graphic System. A retargetable
graphics system created by Viona Development for graphic cards. The
EGS system is an alternative to Intuition providing support for
24-bit graphics. In the last few years, it has been superseded by
CyberGraphX and Picasso 96.
EHB- Extra Half-Brite. A screen mode used in
graphics software. It allows 64 colours per line on an ECS
EISA- Enhanced Industry Standard Architecture.
A standard PC slot expansion. It can also be found on many Amiga
DIY towers and big box machines.
E-MAIL- Electronic Mail. A system of sending
messages by the computer to other computers.
EMULATOR- A program that allows you to run
programs designed for a different computer. A spectrum Emulator
would allow you to run Spectrum games.
EPS- Encapsulated PostScript. A file format for
saving graphics.
EPSON- On of the leading printer suppliers. The
Epson drivers are a standard compatible with most printers.
EXEC- The main part of the Amiga OS that
controls task switching and low level functions.
EXECUTE- To carry out a series of instructions
in a program or script.
EXPANDED MEMORY (EMS)- All memory above the
640K conventional memory limit is called Expanded memory.
EXPANSION- A drawer found in the main directory
of Workbench. It was originally to store drivers but has not been
used for years.
EXTENDED MEMORY (XMS)- A means of installing
extra memory in 286/386 machines.
EXTENDED SELECTION- The ability to select more
than one icon at a time. Hold down SHIFT and drag the mouse over
the files you wish to be copied.
EXTRA HALFBRIGHT- An old custom graphics mode
found in ECS Amigas that allowed 64 colours to be shown on screen
by creating a second palette of the 32 colours but with half
intensity. There is absolutely no use for this screenmode in this
day and age.
EXTRANET- A closed network using the HTML
standards to link an external company to your Intranet.