Old File System
The file system supplied as standard with early Amiga's. It was
slow and only allowed 488 bytes to be stored on each track. There
were three versions released that corrected bugs in the previous
DOS0: The original file system
DOS2: The international version that corrected a bug with the
storage of foreign letters so they were no longer
DOS4: The directory caching edition that speeded up access to
Fast File System
A replacement for the Old File System that allowed more to be
stored on a disk. On Kickstart 1.3 this was stored on disk meaning
that it was impossible to boot directly from FFS disks, but since
Kickstart 2.04 it has been stored in ROM since version 2.
DOS1: The original Fast File System found in 2.0
DOS3: The International version. Available as upgrade in
DOS5: The Directory Caching version. Available in OS3.0+.
Previous versions cannot read this.
A number of file systems have become available that push the
Amiga disk drive to its limit, including Professional File System,
Ami-File Safe and DiskSpare. To find out more information read the
"SystemGuide" by Dan Elgaard.