These copyright guidelines apply to Huge Base V2.1b FREEWARE
Huge Base is now freeware. As from September 1 1996.
Huge Base is NOT a commercial package.
Huge Base (all versions) is Copyright © 1996 Matt
Cartlidge. Huge Base may be distributed as long as all of the
following conditions are true :-
All of these files are kept together and remain UNCHANGED apart
from compressing.
- Huge_Base (actual program)
- Instructions (document)
- Read_me! (document)
- Example databases, including :-
- Tracks.HB2
- Discs.HB2
NOTE that any copy found with altered documents, programs
documents or databases are breaking the guidelines.
Huge Base may NOT be uploaded onto ANY BBS or contained on ANY
COMPILATION in which copyright is claimed on ALL of the files
Any guidelines from previous versions do not effect this version
if they are different
PPMore, ReqTools.library and PowerPacker.library are all
Copyright © Nico François.
FastView V2.0 is Copyright © 1995 John Hendrikx. FastView
can display IFF (.iff), JPEG (.jpg), GIF (.gif), PCX (.pcx) and BMP
(.bmp) images.
Play16 is Copyrighted Freeware by Thomas Wenzel. It is
freely distributable as long as the program and the document
supplied remain unchanged. Play16 is capable of playing WAV
(Microsoft RIFF-WAVE), VOC (creative voice), AU (sun/NeXT Audio),
MAUD (MacroSystem audio), AIFF (Apple/SGI/Amiga AIFF), and Amiga
IFF-9SVX files. Play16 can also play most RAW audio waves. See the
full documentation to Play16 in the C: directory of the disk that
Huge Base is contained on.
I have chosen FastView V2.0 and Play16 V1.6 for inclusion as
they are the best programs of their type that I have seen. If you
think you can do better, send me your versions!
In no way am I trying to claim ownership of programs, libraries
or other files supplied with Huge Base apart from Huge Base itself,
its documents and its databases.
Do not try to delete this document so you can break all of
the rules that it holds. That's a bit stoopid isn't it.