Secure warning
There is a SECURE function in Huge Base which allows you to save
your databases with a password. I strongly recommend that you make
the password easy to remember or write it down somewhere just in
case. REMEMBER THIS MATEY! - You CANNOT get your database back if
you do not know the password in which you saved it, unless you're
me of course! Huge Base uses a VERY VERY complex code to encode and
decode secure data.
Don't send databases to me pleading for me to crack the password
because you can't remember it! If you use the SECURE function, you
should be extra careful. You have been warned!
File Formats
The file format for Huge Base has not changed at all since V2.0
so Huge Base V2.0 can load V2.1a/b formats and vice versa.
Huge Base will always be forwards compatible. E.g. When V3.0 is
released, it will still be able to load V1.00 databases as well as
V2.0 and V2.1a/b databases.
The Huge Base database file
I advise that you don't tamper with your database files manually
using any program whatsoever. This can cause a lot of problems. I
have made every effort to stop database files loading if they have
got an error in them. Once, I changed ONE CHARACTER in a database
file, it loaded into Huge Base fine, without any errors. I typed in
a few records and the system crashed. This is NOT bug in Huge Base.
If you change the database file manually, what else would you