Don't get left behind
A lot of programs on the Amiga will not run on a basic Amiga
500+ with 1MB of RAM. There are even programs and games (and a lot
due for release) which will not even work properly using 2MB of
RAM. Amiga users that have been with the Amiga for a long time will
have learned that the Amiga has moved forward a long way since the
A500. If you're still using a 7.14MHz Amiga 500 with only 1MB of
RAM then I'm afraid you're in at the deep end. Most companies and
software distributors have abandoned Workbench 1.3 completely and
not much new software will run on Workbench 1.3, commercial or
shareware. If you want to keep up with the Amiga, you MUST move
forward to at least the A1200 standard. Some authors are even
forgetting about WorkBench 2.0 and this will be next on the
gravestone. If you get left behind, you're not getting anything out
of the Amiga.
As Huge Base will require more and more memory as it enhances
and the file size increases, less and less Amiga's can cope with
the demand. I strongly recommend to get a memory expansion if you
only have 2MB. This is sufficient for 99 percent of programs.
[Note. This was written early 1997. Since then software has
increased in its complexity and size. Today 8Mb should be
considered the minimum memory requirements to run software