[Matt originally wrote this comment to encourage people to
support Huge Base through registering for the full version. It was
so good I decided to re-include it in the documentation- Gaz]
Remember about SHAREWARE : Many shareware programs on the Amiga
market are extremely good quality and most are as good, if better,
than commercial programs - with the obvious exception of a user
manual. But hey, who needs a user manual when you've got an ASCII
file? Thousands of shareware authors spend hundreds, maybe
thousands of hours working on shareware programs, including me. The
more support and registrations they receive, the more likely they
are to carry on contributing to the shareware side of things.
Shareware is a good thing, keep supporting it!
Huge Base is now freeware. Freeware is even better than
shareware, be thankful that you've got it!