Oasys is a concept operating system developed by Fleecy Moss
whilst he was still working at Amiga Inc to discuss what the new
Amiga OS should be like. It was developed by for members of the
ICOA (Industry Council Open Amiga), and various other groups to
indicate how future systems could be developed for the future needs
of the user. The name is a pun on the British band, Oasis, coined
by Steve Bowie, short for Open Amiga operating SYStem. Until the
official role of the OS is determined by Amiga Inc, Oasys is an
effort to set the user free of the restrictions imposed by current
thinking and embrace a more advanced concept, just as the AmigaOS
was 10 years ahead of its time. Fleecy Moss draws from the example
of the Amiga considerably in his new concept indicating that future
systems designed for the new markets should be elegant, open ended,
and yet simple to use.
Oasys attempts to correct a number of the failings that have led
to the AmigaOS' sidelining, particularly its dependence on custom
hardware. Under Oasys the underlying hardware does not matter, as
it is independent of specific implementations such as the Amiga
custom chips or the Intel x86 processor. Whilst it does not rely on
these systems to run it can utilize them if the need arises. This
is based upon a division between the Hardware Services Manager, an
intelligent BIOS replacement that manages all hardware support and
the Amiverse, the core of the OS that runs alongside the HSM
allowing easy access to these components, through soft-links into
the HSM. The intercommunication of the OS and its modules, using
the Oasys concept, should be handled in a logical fashion drawing
on both ecological and biological influences. This offers a
considerable simplification of computer concepts. Over the last 50
years computers have required the user to think using mechanistic
logic around a problem. If the Oasys concept is to be accepted, its
supporters claim there should be a move to a more biological,
simpler interpretation of the computer system. Networking would be
greatly simplified through a series of intelligent agents that
create new methods of communication, in a similar fashion to the
brain. A simple script driven interface, similar in style to Carl
Sassenraths' Rebol language, could perform common actions. Commands
would be in plain English (or whatever language you use) rather
than computer jargon.
In contrast to recent developments by Microsoft to incorporate
applications into the operating system, Oasys attempts to separate
these further into a series of components according to those
required for the task. This is a line that has played an important
part in the search for a new Kernel to base the AmigaOS around. The
current QNX Neutrino will allow users to scale their system from
handheld devices to huge workstations. The de-mechanization process
of referring to these components has amplified the naturalistic
approach to computing, rather than being referred to as libraries
or applications, Oasys uses a term of creating new "personalities"
that mesh together to perform the task required.
Under Oasys, the operating system remains abstract of the
hardware restrictions through use of a Hardware Services Manager
that allows applications to access available hardware. This is
intelligently configured every time the system boots allowing the
ability to Plug and Play on a level that Bill Gates can only dream
of. The "portfolio" created would vary according to the hardware it
found in the box and allow access to extensions to the system, such
as multi-processors, accessing printers across the internet, or any
other function in a transparent manner without patching the OS.