PowerOS is a new PPC-native operating system under development. It
is planned to be released for A3000/A4000 computers with a
Cyberstorm PPC board first, followed by A1200/Blizzard PPC systems.
Once the OS has established itself as an alternative to the
AmigaOS, it will be ported to standalone PPC machines. A 68k and
WarpOS emulator are currently in development, promising a range of
readily available titles on release. A number of PowerOS
applications have also been promised by the author. The main
priority is to retain the comfort and feel of AmigaOS while taking
advantage of the PowerPC processor.
A release date of early 2001 has been mentioned, but it may be
delayed if extenuating circumstances or serious problems
To read more information on PowerOS, visit the official web
site: http://www.poweros.de/