First issue release
date: July 1990 |
Final issue release
date: November 1990? |
Publisher: Jengrove
Enterprises Ltd |
Coverage: Games |
Country published:
United Kingdom |
No. of issues:
5? |
Medium: Print and
disk medium |
Status: Dead |
Web Address:
None |
Rampage was a short-lived 'pamphlet' launched in July 1990 on
the tail end of the commercial coverdisk game debate. Despite its
commercial distribution the magazine had a distinct amateur 'feel'.
Each issue consisted of a 16-page magazine and two coverdisks. The
magazine was little more than a contents page for the coverdisk.
This changed slightly in issue 4 which included a feature on the
Tetbury-based game company, Microprose. This was followed by a
report on the 1990 C.E.S. show. The first disk contained the
bulk of the magazine covering 5-10 games per issues, as well as
regular features and tutorials. However, the main selling point was
the second disk that featured a commercial game. This was usually
one that had been released on budget a year previous, such as
the Star Wars games.
After a few months the magazine disappeared when the 16-bit
industry imposed a self regulating ban upon commercial games on
magazine coverdisks.
What did Rampage do for the Amiga scene?
Rampage is remembered as the 'Battlefield Earth' of Amiga
magazines. Its existence was a warning to others on the unsavoury
effects that commercial games could have on the market. Despite
this, the magazine had considerable influence upon the
Maverick-edition of The One Amiga.
View Rampage Issue 3 (72.7k)
View Rampage Issue 4 (72.9k)
View Rampage Issue 5 (73.1k)