© 1997-2006
Gareth Knight
All Rights reserved

Screens is a new Operating System designed specifically for
PowerPC-based Amigas. It is being developed by Mematex Computer
Sweden AB and Syscom Data & Spel. The OS is designed for
high-end systems requiring 68040/68060 and PowerPC processor
running the WarpUP kernel, 10MB Fast memory, CyberGraphX v4,
Kickstart 3.1 or higher, 20MB Hardrive space, and a soundcard.
There is also support for CyberVisionPPC and BlizzardVisionPPC
graphics cards.
The OS offers a number of advanced features expected from a
modern system including 16/24 bit screenmodes, 16-bit sound, and
long filenames (255 characters). There will also offer a new GUI
system, using the Amiga intuition, a development on the Arexx
language called L, and the ability to multitask between Screens and
AmigaOS at the same time. Later versions have gained supports for
68k processors. To find out more information visit http://www.mematex.se/amiga/screens/index.html

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