CLI- The Command Line Interface program. It was
the only way that most Amiga users could access the power
underneath Workbench 1.3.
Internal Commands
DiskCopy- A program that was loaded when
Duplicate was selected from the pull-down menus. As the name
suggests, it is designed to copy disks.
Format- Formats a disk.
FastMemFirst- Loads programs into the fast
memory first if it is available.
SetMap- Selects the keyboard mapping system
according to where about on the planet you are. These
configurations are stored in the DEVS:KEYMAPS drawer.
InitPrinter- Initialises the printer (i.e.
turns it on).
NoFastMem- Disables fast memory.
Mergemem- Adds memory expansion so that it can
be recognised.
FixFonts- Still used in Workbench 3.0. It
updates the font configurations to recognise new fonts that have
been added.