Amiga Interactive Guide: v3.62
Thursday April 11th, 2001
*Phew* No sooner had I complained about Amiga's organised
behaviour, they make a huge mistake - Amiga Inc. announced
AmigaOS4.0, a deal with Sharp and Psion at the St Louis show on
April 1st. Rather than reveal this news through the web site, they
confuse everyone by mentioning it on various Amiga mailing lists,
mixing rumour with fact. It took almost a week to separate fact
from fiction.
The site update covers the St. Louis announcements. Amiga's
long-term strategy for AmigaOS4/5 is revealed on the new AmigaOS 4.0 page. I've also taken a look at
the various OS4.0 announcements
over the last 9 years.
New pages covering the latest partnerships between Amiga Inc.
and the two PDA developers, Sharp and Psion have been written.
The AmigaOS3.9 page has been
updated to mention the release of the first Boing Bag upgrade.
The Amiga 2000 machines page has
been reorganized to avoid the distinction between Classic and
AmigaNG operating system.
More images of the Eyetech motherboard can be found on the Eyetech AmigaOne page.
Press releases and mailing list responses regarding the St. Louis
announcement have been placed in the Historical Documents section.
The PowerPC history page has been
updated to take into account the recent announcements regarding
AmigaOS 4.0 PPC.
The Amiga SDK page has been updated.
Another Amiga has been documented - the Arcadia Amiga - developed in the UK!
An Amiga monopoly game, produced by
Amiga Zone, can be found in the Amiga
Items section.
The final issue of ST Format has
been added to the AF page. Not exactly Amiga related, but it
reveals what happened to the other half of ST/Amiga Format.
Moved the Impera slot machine into the
unreleased section.
Last Update: