"Personally speaking, I don't plan on killing the
Amiga. In fact, if they
ask me to take over system development, you'll see one
killer Amiga!"
- Carl Sassenrath, Former director of Software for VISCorp.
Viscorp were introduced to the Amiga market in 1995 as a licencee of Amiga technology.
They developed a low-cost Internet set-top box and announced plans to market their product
to a public who did not require an expensive computer, but wanted to take advantage of
Internet services. When Escom announced their liquidation in 1996, the company
announced their intent to purchase the Amiga subsiduary. However, they were unsuccesful and
Amiga Technologies was purchased by Gateway 2000.
Viscorp removed their Chief Executive Officer (CEO) after several boardroom shenanigans and
changed the company name to U.S. Digital Communications, Inc. The 'new' company became a
provider of satellite telephony and other embedded technologies. The company announced its
closure in June 2000 - a victim of the failing dotcom market.
VisCorp Overview
Proposal for an Amiga Set-Top
Product Description of the Amiga
Electronic Device
The future of the Amiga under Viscorp and
A Fall from Grace- The end to
VISCorp's relationship with the Amiga
Historical Documents
VISCorp and Escom sign
agreement to licence the Amiga technology
VIScorp and Emerson Radio Sign
Distribution Agreement
VisCorp Company Profile- In their Own
VisCorp announce plans to develop Amiga-based products
for the set-top and desktop market.
An Open Message to the Amiga
Carl Sassenrath quits Viscorp
VIScorp explain why they let the Amiga
contract expire
Almathera Systems Ltd enter
liquidation, blaming VISCorp for non-payment
US Digital announce their closure
Last Update: 08/04/2006