WALLPAPER- Patterned paper that is stuck upon
the wall. Also used to describe the background pictures in
Microsoft Windows.
WAN- Wide Area Network.
WBSTARTUP- A drawer that contains a number of
programs to be executed when Workbench is booted.
WCS- Writable Control Store. This is the 256k
of extra memory on the A1000 that the Kickstart disk is copied to.
In later releases, the Kickstart was already present in the
WEB COMPUTER- A computer designed solely to
access the Internet. Also known as a Net Computer. The Amiga was
going to have its own design in the form of ED.
WILDCARD- A symbol that represents a filename
that may involve a number of variables in the name. This allows the
user to look for a file without remembering the exact name. E.g.
LIST DH0:#?.PNG. This will list all of the files with a
.PNG extension on the DH0: drive.
WIMP- Windows Icon Menus and Pointers. A method
of using the mouse to control the software on a computer.
WINDOW- A rectangular window that displays a
program interface or the contents of a directory.
WORKBENCH- The Amiga's system operating system,
based upon the WIMP system to provide an easy to use environment to
work in.
WORM- Write Once Read Many times. A disk format
that can only be written to once, but can be read many times. The
most popular WORM format are CDs.
WRITE ENABLE- To allow data to be written on to
a disk.
WRITE PROTECT- Also called read-only. This
prevents any data from being written to a
WWW- World Wide Web. The hypertext-based information library on
the internet. It also provides the ability to view text, graphics,
and sound over the internet.
WYSIWYG- What You See Is What You Get
(pronounced Wizzie-Wig). A program that gives you a graphical
representation of exactly how the display will appear when it is