© 1997-2006
Gareth Knight
All Rights reserved


Horizontal lines appear on my monitor when I use the higher
scan rates. What can I do?
There could be a number of problems with your Amiga. If it is an
A1200, it may be caused by a defect in many of the early A1200's
manufacture. To find out the cause of the problem simply drag a
screen up and down by clicking and dragging the title bar at the
top. If the problem is caused by your computer the "horizontal
lines" will follow the title bar. However, if the screen corruption
remains at the same place the problem is almost certainly your
monitor. There is very little that can be done to fix this problem-
on some systems the screen corruption will disappear as soon as the
monitor and Amiga warm up. If the cause of the problem is still
under warranty the most permanent solution is to return it to the
company that sold it too you, detailing the problem.

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