How do I set my Amiga to use Daylight Savings Time?
There are a number of options available. The first is to upgrade to
AmigaOS 3.5 that includes this feature as standard. The second is
to download a third-party utility that will perform the task for
you using your current operating system. One of the most popular is
SetDST. Its main task is to adjust the Amiga system time and the
battery-backed clock for Daylight Saving Time and standard time.
From the documentation:
Can be run in the background as a commodity if you wish (for
those who run their Amiga 24/7 and usually don't have to reboot it
for days, months or even years???).
Smoothly integrates into AmigaOS by using current Locale
settings to select the correct time zone scheme as default
Is flexible enough to be used in various countries and other
geographic regions.
Can use file notifications if you wish to update its behaviour
on the fly.
Creates and manages up to 4 different environment variables to
let various other applications make use of the current zone name,
GMT offset and DST status.
SetDST can be downloaded from the 'util/time' directory on