© 1997-2006
Gareth Knight
All Rights reserved


Amiga Workbench 2.05
Developer: Commodore
Launch: 1992 |
A small bug fix for the release of the A600 during 1992. It was
also available as an upgrade for older Amigas, it is of most use
for Kickstart 1.x Amigas. Major enhancements include support for
high-density floppy drives and a modification to the virtual floppy
mountlist. A600 enhancements include support for the PCMCIA slot
and IDE interface, adding a new "CC0:" device and the addition of
the PrepCard program. Workbench Nostalgia suggest later versions of
the A600 2.05 release were lacking the narrator.device and
translator.library. Some early A600's shipped with 2.04, forcing
owners to purchase the 2.05 release to use their PCMCIA and IDE
View Packaging (14.4k)
Additional References
BenchPress Guide to Workbench 2.0
For more information visit Workbench Nostalgia.
Last Update: 23/02/2002

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