Amiga in the Arcade
Although the Amiga custom chipset is outdated there was a time
when it was considered cutting edge. As a result several businesses
developed hardware that would take the Amiga out of the home and
into the arcade. Early uses, such as the Up Scope and Riverboat
Queen focussed upon simplistic 2D graphics, while the Virtuality
machines used the hardware to produce some of the first examples of
consumer-ready virtual reality interfaces. In 1996 a Escom
subsidiary released an Amiga-compatible VR helmet that replicated
the effect of these early machines on the standard Amiga.
Up Scope
Arcadia Amiga
Riverboat Queen
F-25A Flight Simulator
W Industries Virtuality
VR POD 2.5 and 3.0
Cubo CD32
Virtual i-O glasses
Last Update: 22/6/2002