Can I use a CD32 Kickstart 3.1 Rom in an A1200?
There are conflicting reports on this some say that you cannot
use the ROM in an A1200 as it will do nothing. The CD32 only comes
with one Kickstart chip whilst the A1200 requires two. Others say
that you can , as long as your Amiga has an MMU (i.e. a full '030,
'040 or '060) you can soft boot it, using a utility such as the
BlizzMagic for Blizzard 68k boards, etc.
However, according to rumour the CD32 ROMs are not the full 3.1,
but a slightly older version. The main difference in the CD32 ROM
is the CDfilesystem support and, as this is no use for the A1200
(as it does not have a built-in drive) there is no particular
reason to try it. It may be possible to get it to work but you are
better getting the full 3.1 ROMs, disks and manuals. These now
retail for less than £40.