© 1997-2006
Gareth Knight
All Rights reserved

Frequently Asked Questions
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What is MUI?
What is Double Buffering?
What is PostScript and how do I use it?
What's the difference between 2.5 and 3.5 inch hard drives?
How come most games and demos don't show up on the Workbench?
What do the pull-down menus do on Workbench?
Why is the Amiga so slow?
What is ARexx?
What is a file system?
Can I use PC CD-ROMs?
Why should I get a hard drive?
Which is better, SCSI or IDE?
Why is some memory faster?
What is Virtual Memory?
What's the difference between Bitmap and Structured
What's the difference between Zorro II and Zorro III
Can I upgrade my OCS/ECS Amiga to AGA?
How fast is my Amiga compared to PC and Apple
Can I network my Amiga with another Amiga or PC?
Can I emulate an Amiga on my PC?
Can I use an accelerator/memory card and a PCMCIA product
What are ToolTypes?
What is an animated icon?
How many colours can an icon have?
What is the Demo Scene?
What is the Siamese System?
How much memory has my Amiga got?
Can I use a VGA monitor on my Amiga?
What is a Volume?
What is a partition?
What is Usenet?
What is Directory Opus?
What is Executive?
What kind of modem can I use on my Amiga?
If I expand my Amiga will I have to get a new power supply as
Can I read and write Amiga disks on my PC?
Can I connect a PC high density drive to my Amiga?
What are Guru numbers?
How do I capture pictures from my video and save them for
use on Amiga?
Should I upgrade my Kickstart to OS3.1?
What type of soundcard does my Amiga have?
What is AHI?
Can I use Zorro II cards in a Zorro II slot?
What type of memory do I need to play back samples in
What will happen to my Amiga during the year 2000?
Can I expand my Amiga 1200 beyond 2Mb?
Can I use Virtual Reality glasses with my Amiga?
Can I play RealAudio on my Amiga?
Can I play MPEG audio on my Amiga?
Can I use my A500 accelerator on my A1200?
What is the screen resolution is of the Philips 8833 monitor?
Where I can find the AmigaGuide documents for writing my
own guide?
What PD programs support the gif89a format as used on the
Is there a datatype or other means for viewing Windows BitMaP (BMP)
Where can I find more on the second-generation LZX files that are
now owned by Microsoft?
I want to monitor how many times my
site is hit. Is there an easy solution?
have a number of .DBM files. How do I play them?
Can I extract DMS files directly to my hard drive or do I have to
copy them to disk?
What is the ELF format?
On my browser for sending files and e-mails there are three
options. What do they mean?
What is Enforcer?
Where can I find drivers for flatbed scanners?
Do Amiga graphics cards use Chip RAM, Fast RAM, or their
own memory?
What is IconX?
Can I use an LS120 SuperFloppy with my Amiga?
What software can I use to write CDs on the Amiga?
Is there a program that can convert a MOD file into an Audio CD
Can I network an Amiga with a Windows-Based PC?
Can I use Photo CDs on my Amiga?
Is there a free application that will help me recover data
from a previously formatted Amiga disk?
How can I prevent Multiview from printing in red ink on my
colour printer?
How can I sample directly to hard drive on my Amiga?
What scanners are Amiga compatible, and how do I find OCR
software for them?
What is an E-Mail signature?
I need to Telnet to another machine. What software can I
How do I view .WMF files?
What is the best way of getting a PC and Amiga to use the
same monitor, keyboard and printer?
Why do I need a buffered IDE interface?
I have an A1200 fitted with a Zorro Z3i board. Does this
mean I can now use Zorro III cards?
Can I buy a graphics card for the A1200?
What accelerators can be bought for the A500?
What accelerators can be bought for the A600?
Is there any way I can place my Amiga and PC in the same
tower case?
Which Zorro graphics card is better, Cybergraphx or
A game tells me to unplug my external disk drive or
disable my hard drive. Is there anything I can do about this?
When using a particular piece of hardware with my Amiga it begins
to heat up. Is there something wrong with it?
Which one should I buy, accelerators or memory cards?
Can I upgrade my machine from just 2Mb Chip RAM?
Can I use more than one SCSI interface at the same
Can I view Adobe Acrobat files?
Is there anyway that I can change my background, boot
picture, and sound samples so that they boot randomly?
If I add Zorro slot to my A1200, will they interfere with
the PCMCIA port?
What software do I need to get on the Internet using my
I have read about a program that increases the memory
speed on the PowerPC cards. Do you know where I can get it
What niche markets do other systems fill?
What is the CD32?
Can I use a CD32 Kickstart 3.1 Rom in an A1200?
How do I read Mac disks on my A1200?
Inside my A2000 I have noticed a 26 way pin strip in front
of the serial port. What is it?
When I open a text file from a PC disk a extra blank line
is displayed after each line of text. I have tried using the tools
that came with CrossDOS to no avail. What can I do?
Do I need a Memory management Unit to use virtual
When I try to copy some game disks to hard drive a message appears
saying "NOT A DOS DISK." Does this mean that I cannot install these
games to hard drive?
I have seen a program that claims to allow the user to
write to any CD drive. Does this work?
What are AmigaGuide files?
What sort of memory does the GVP 1230 accelerator take?
On the A1200 and A4000 motherboards there is a jumper
which allows you to swap between 2Mb and 8Mb of Chip ram. Is there
any way that this can be set to 8Mb?
Does the AmigaOS have a scripting language?
Does the AmigaOS support Java?
Does the AmigaOS support 16-bit and 24-bit colour?
What machines does the AmigaOS run on?
How much of the AmigaOS is portable?
Does the AmigaOS support QuickTime?
Could AmigaOS ever be developed to the set-top market?
Does the AmigaOS support TCP/IP?
Can I run BeOS on my PowerPC-based Amiga?
What is a Cookie?
What is a FPU?
What is the maximum hard disk size the AmigaOS can
What type of keyboard interface should I buy for my
What is a MMU?
How can I get requestors to appear directly under my mouse
How long can file/folder names be?
Can I upgrade my OCS Amiga to ECS?
How do I pronounce AmigaOS?
Is the AmigaOS a real time OS?
Where can I get an ARexx manual?
Can I scan double my Amiga display?
I have heard about the updated version of the Zip drive,
ZipPlus. Does this drive have built in termination?
What is the Video Toaster?
What is the Amiga Deathbed Vigil Story?
Is there anyway that I can program my Playstation using my
What is Warp3D?
I find that 31 characters are not enough for my filenames.
Is there anything that will allow longer names?
Is there any way of replacing the standard workbench
scroll bars?
How can my Amiga read web pages to me using a program such
as AWeb or IBrowse using the Amiga speech synthesiser?
When I boot Workbench a disk icon appears with the name
"RAM 0", what is it?
Can I attach a parallel port Zip drive to my Amiga?
Is there a Macro program for the Amiga, similar to
Recorder on the PC?
Why can't I run many of my older applications and
How easy is it to remove the Kickstart ROM from an
What is ICQ and can my Amiga use it?
How do I display the Early Startup Screen on my VGA
Where can I find documentation on the AGA chipset?
Can I upgrade my CDTV to AmigaOS 3.1?
What advantages does Workbench 3.1 have over the standard
3.0 ROM currently in my A1200?
I am about to buy an Ateo tower and an Eyetech EZ Tower
case. Will this combination work as expected?
My hard drive capacity is written on the drive but when I
format, it is around 5 megabytes less. Is something wrong with the
How can I read CD-ROMs with Windows 95 long filenames on
the Amiga?
I'm looking for a program that can sample directly from CD
to the hard drive without the need for a sound sampler. Where can I
find one?
I am looking for a new, free file system for use with my
Amiga hard drive. What options are available?
Why did Gateway buy the Amiga?
Where can I find a screen grabber that works with Gfx
Who was Joe Pillow?
I have seen 4Gb+ hard drives available but have heard that
the Amiga cannot handle these as standard. Is this true?
My accelerator does not seem to be as fast as it should
be. What can I do?
Are there any Amiga-specific Amiga Internet Service
Providers available?
Is there a FAQ for the Apollo accelerator cards
Can I use ASDL on my Amiga?
My phone company charges online time by the minute. How do
I keep track of my phone bill?
What is the second ROM socket for in the CD32?
I have heard about all of these devices that plug onto the
clock header, where exactly is it?
What is the best Ethernet solution for an a1200?
Can I plug a faster processor into the socket of my
current one without buying a new accelerator?
Is there a program available that create a complete backup
of your hard drive, similar to Drive Image on Windows?
Can I compile Java programs on the Amiga
What is the best way to learn HTML quickly?
Are there any Internet games available for the Amiga?
Is it possible to access the internet through a standard
modem from another computer via LAN, so both computers are
connected at the same time?
Can I overclock my processor to a faster speed?
I have a Pace 56, is there any way I can upgrade the flash
rom with the latest firmware?
Is it possible to play a Quake death match over a null
modem cable using an Amiga and a PC?
I need a program that can download part of a website
without having to visit all of the pages and manually saving them
Can I use Rexx under Linux?
Can I use PowerUP software under WarpOS?
Where has Linux come from?
What are the differences between Amiga Incorporated, Amiga
Technologies, and Amiga International?
Can I read FAT32 hard disks on the Amiga?
Why have Gateway used the Amiga name to produce a machine
that has nothing to do with the Amiga?
Who owns the rights to the Commodore 64 and other 8-bit
How do digital cameras work?

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