What are guru numbers?
The Guru meditation errors are error codes that appear in either
a flashing red or yellow box. The yellow box indicates that a
problem has been found but it is possible to continue with your
work without resetting. The red box on the other hand means that an
unresolvable error has occurred that has upset the entire system,
and so the only way to get rid of it is too reset the machine,
which it does when you press the mouse button. These errors are
perfectly common and do not indicate that your machine is faulty,
although if it happens all of the time I suggest you get your
machine checked by a qualified repair specialist.
The codes are separated into a number of parts that indicate
exactly what went wrong with your system. The first two numbers
indicate the module in the operating system that found the error.
The two numbers indicate a general error, identifying events such
as running out of memory. The right side of the code indicates the
memory address that the program was running in when it crashed.
A guru can also be caused by the processor detecting a problem
in the code executed, for example the program may be accessing an
area of the processor that has been "moved". This is the most
common cause of software incompatibilities, as the software thinks
that it is running on a 68000 processor (A500) when it is in fact
running an a 68020 based A1200. These are called processor
exceptions. It this occurs almost all of the numbers will be zeros
(0) with the last two numbers representing the error code. If you
want to find what these codes actually mean you will need to input
them into a program such as the originally titled "The Guru". To
find out more click the Guru