What is the Video Toaster?
The Video Toaster is a commercial expansiom device for the
A2000, A3000, and A4000 that allows the mixing and editing of
broadcast-quality NTSC video, as well as 24-bit image composition,
3-D modelling, and title generation in real-time. Developed by
Newtek, the Video Toaster
comes in two varieties developed for the A2000 (standard Toaster)
and A4000 (Video Toaster 4000). For many years it was linked
inexplicably to the 3D rendering program Lightwave, but with the
release of version 4 on the Amiga and other platforms outgrew its
Toaster dependence.
The Video Toaster and Lightwave should be immediately
recognisable for anyone working in the graphics industry as it has
become the standard for graphic development. They have been used
extensively on shows such as Star Trek: TNG, Babylon 5, and
Jurassic Park, as well as many others.