There are a number of ways to get your Amiga talking to another
You can run a PC emulation to use MS-DOS and a null-modem cable
to communicate with the PC. This is useful if the emulation allows
you to access the Amiga drives from the PC side, allowing you to
copy files across.
Only for bigbox Amigas such as the A4000, and A1200's with the
PCMCIA slot free. This can be connected to another Amiga, PC, Mac,
or even the new PIOS system.
A recent development that connects to the Amigas parallel port
mounting all of the PCs drives upon the Workbench screen.
This creates an Amiga-Amiga connection through the Parallel port
using a DIY cable. This mounts a new drive upon the Workbench
called NET: where you can read the drives of the machine
PC2Amiga is a freeware software-only package that forms the
backbone of the commercial Network PC item mentioned above. The
only difference being that you have to install the software
yourself (not that difficult if you can copy files from one place
to another) and make or buy an Interlink cable. I use this package
all of the time for sharing files between the Amiga and PC.
The same as the Parnet package mentioned above, but with a
Serial cable.
One of the most advanced hardware add-ons that you can get for
your Amiga. It allows file sharing over a SCSI, Ethernet, and soon,
a PCI system, as well as retargeting graphics to a PC monitor and
TCP Emulation
If you use a terminal emulation package on the Amiga, such as
Miami, TermiteTCP, or AmiTCP, as well as an equivalent on the PC
you can get them to communicate. This could be over anything from a
serial cable to a network card.