When I boot Workbench a disk icon appears with the name "RAM
0", what is it?
This is a recoverable ram disk, or RAD drive as it is known. It
uses some of the Amigas memory to create a virtual disk drive. This
can survive a warm reset and is considerably faster than using an
ordinary floppy disk. It can even boot Workbench in less than 10
seconds. The disadvantage of this is that it uses about 900k of
Chip RAM, preventing you from running a great deal of software.
The driver responsible for this can be found by opening the
Devs/Dosdrivers/ directory on your boot floppy or hard disk. You
will see an icon with the name RAD. To remove it, click the icon
once and drag it to the Storage/Dosdrivers drawer. Then do a cold
reset (turn off the Amiga at the switch rather than using the
keyboard) and wait a few seconds. When you reboot the Amiga the
disk should have disappeared.