© 1997-2006
Gareth Knight
All Rights reserved

Amiga into PC/Mac/Alpha/Sun does fit!
It is very easy to emulate an Amiga on another platform. The
problem comes when you try to make the emulated Amiga go faster.
The Amiga uses a number of custom chips that are very difficult to
emulate on any other hardware. At present the most popular
emulators only support ECS graphics, meaning a maximum of 64
colours on screen at once from a palette of 4096. There are two
major Amiga emulators available. The most popular is UAE, available
for most fast processors, including the Amiga itself. The other is
a MS-DOS only program called Fellow. There is also another emulator
currently being developed that promises to emulate the Amiga and
Atari ST in the same program.
To find out more about UAE follow this link.
Last Update: 1/11/2001

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