Inside my A2000 I have noticed a 26 way pin strip in front of
the serial port. What is it?
This had me stumped for ages, not owning an A2000 I was forced
too look at really small pictures of the inside of the A2000. The
answer came from Eddie, in the Workbench section of
Fidonet. This is an extract from his explanation.
"You're /almost/ there - it /is/ used by an expansion board, but
not a Zorro one. AFAIK, the only device which used the header was
the internal MIDI interface board marketed by Datel. The board
connected to the header via a ribbon cable, obviating the need to
route any cables outside the case, then back in again. Of course,
the header didn't give you an extra port - huh! *we* should be so
lucky!; you couldn't, for example, drive an external MIDI module
and a modem from it at the same time."