What is Usenet?
Usenet is a very confusing place. It isn't part of the internet,
though you can apparently log onto it through the internet. It was
never really designed to be a software provider, or have millions
of pretty pictures. It can really be described as a international
debating society (sorry if I've offended anyone with this
definition). The "articles" are separated into different newsgroups
that discuss specific topics, such as Amiga games or the
environment. These can be used to find information about other
peoples opinions on a certain topic, or advice on burning
questions, such as Which is better the PC or Amiga? The answer is
pretty obvious now anyway (OR IS IT).
Unlike the internet, Usenet is not a worldwide archive, so you
will not have all of the areas available, only those that your
local Usenet site chooses to include. What this basically means is,
sites that may prove to be unpopular in a certain area are no
longer included.
The Usenet administrator has nearly complete control over their
specific site. They can "surpress" any person who has previously
been incredibly annoying or insulting so that no one else can read
their messages. They basically take away their access. remember to
be polite and do not ask stupid questions that may have already
been answered in the FAQ document that each Usenet site
It is basically a world-wide discussion system, consisting of a
set of areas called "newsgroups." These newsgroups are
hierarchically ordered according to subject, so all newsgroups on
the Amiga are gathered together in the same hierarchy. It is
organised something like this,
Computers -Amiga -Games
Messages are posted by people from all over the world to the
newsgroups, to which others replies too. Some newsgroups feature a
moderator who reads all of the messages that are posted before they
appear in the newsgroup. Anything that is even vaguely nasty
doesn't appear.
As far as I know this does not apply to the Amiga newsgroups
that are around. Like the internet, Usenet can be accessed on any
number of computers, including the Spectrum allegedly, and is
available a number of ways. The majority of Usenet traffic is
transported over the internet and UUCP.
But I'm not allowed to access Usenet (sob).
Believe it or not, many colleges and universities, including my
rather craply renamed polytechnic do not allow you to access
Usenet. Luckily, there are a number of sites that allow you to read
and post articles via the net. I can't actually remember the
address of the sites so you'll have to do a net search. They aren't
too difficult to find.