I can't get PCTCrossMount from PC-Task to work. I started it
but it just writes a file TDC to the RAM: I can't copy files from
my hard drive to the PC-disk.
Firstly, check that you have saved your correct configuration on
the PC-Task startup screen, i.e. the field beside your "C" drive
must contain the correct path to your Hardfile and that it can find
the hardfile in PC-Task.
If this does not work and instead you get a message such as,
"<X> appears to be a Hardfile. Trying to mount as TDC.
Mount failed. (File must be 'Hardfile#', e.g. Hardfile0)"
It may be that the Hardfile is saved as something other than
HardFile0. Simply rename the Hardfile for "C:\" to "Hardfile0" and
your secondary "D:\" (if you have one) to "Hardfile1."
If this will still not work, go back to your PC-Task startup
screen, update the "C" and "D" fields to the hardfiles, checking
they can be booted inside PC-Task and then rerun PCTCrossMount.
It should work now, creating a DOSDriver called TDC in your Ram
Disk, which uses DEVS:hardfile.device and L:CrossDOSFileSystem when
mounted. If the drive still does not appear but there are no error
messages it is likely that the TDC: volume is hidden. Open a Shell
and type TDC: and the drive should magically appear.