I have attempted to delete a directory. Although the
contents were deleted, I was told the directory was not empty. Is
there anyway I can delete this folder?
There could be a number of causes- there may be an assign
pointing to that directory. This would produce a message stating
that it is still in use. Check your startup-sequence and
user-startup for any references to the directory, reboot and try to
delete the file.
If this does not work, boot with no startup-sequence and CD to
the directory above and type:
Delete [directory-name] FORCE ALL
If this does not work, try scanning the directory using
VirusChecker, and then check the VirusChecker.log file. Find the
line that lists the problem directory and list some strange
filenames. Note these files, open a Shell window and try to delete
these files. Then use a program, such as QuarterBack Tools to
analyze and repair the partition. This should cure the problem.