When I am using any of the preference programs in Workbench, I
select "use" but instead, the software saves it. What is wrong with
This is probably due to having the ENV: assign where preferences
programs store their settings pointing to the same directory as
ENVARC:. In a standard startup-sequence ENV: is assigned to
RAM:ENV/ and ENVARC: is assigned to Sys:Prefs/Env-Archive/ when the
system boots the contents of ENVARC: are copied to ENV:.
When you click Use in a preferences program it saves its
settings ONLY to ENV: therefore when you re-boot the previous
settings held in ENVARC: are restored. When you click Save the
settings are saved in both the ENV: and ENVARC: directories and
therefore stay in effect when you re-boot.
If you want to keep ENV: on your harddisk for memory reasons
then you need to make sure that ENV: is assigned to a directory
other than ENVARC:. There is also a utility on Aminet in the
util/boot directory called HappyENV that mounts the ENV: as a
device, fetching preferences from the ENVARC: directory only when
it is needed. This will greatly increase the boot time of your