© 1997-2006
Gareth Knight
All Rights reserved


Whatever I do my Amiga seems to run out of memory. Is there
anything I can do to cure this?
If you are using the standard A1200 2Mb system with no Fast RAM
the most obvious solution is to buy an accelerator or more memory.
These retail from £20 to £250 for most 68k accelerators
and RAM cards and will dramatically improve your Amigas
performance. If you already have this then should look on your hard
drive for files such as disk caching. These may speed up disk
access but it is done at the expense of memory. Examine your
machine to see if you have any programs running, such as
PowerCache. Also remove any RAD disks, these are virtual disks that
take up 900k of your Chip or Fast RAM. Check your startup-sequence
and WBStartup for any programs that may be executed and remove them
if necessary. As standard preferences are stored in the ENV
directory. Have a look in the drawer on your hard drive (not the
one stored in RAM) and delete references to any deleted programs.
Alternatively, download the ENV handler, HappyENV, available on

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