GADGETS- The parts around a window on the
Workbench that allow you to close it, resize, or scroll across.
GAME CARD- Hard as it may be to believe; the PC
requires a card just to plug in a joystick.
GARY- One of the Amiga's custom chips which
handles memory management. Stands for Gate ARaY.
GB- The Great Britain keymap designed to alter
the symbols on the keyboard to the UK standard.
GENERIC- A basic printer driver designed to
work with all Amiga printers. It is fairly basic and allows text
printing, not graphics.
GENLOCK- GENerating LOCK. A video device that
allows you to place computer graphics over a video image.
GHOSTING- An option that cannot be selected
from menus but is still visible is known as "ghosted".
GIF- Graphic Interchangeable Format. An image
format by CompuServe widely used on the internet. Due to a patent
on the LZW compression format used in this standard, any use of the
GIF system will require registration to UniSys.
GIGABYTE- A measurement of the storage space
that a hard drive or removable media has. A gigabyte is 1,073,741
GIGO- Garbage In Garbage Out.
GRAPHICS DUMP- An AmigaDOS command that prints
the screen currently on top.
GRAPHICS MEMORY- Also known as Chip Memory.
GUI- Graphical User Interface. A
visually-orientated system that allows you to do things on your
computer visually through the mouse. It is based upon the WIMP
GURU MEDITATION ERROR- The standard Amiga error
message, displayed in a red or yellow flashing box. This informs
the user that a program has upset the system and needs to be
rebooted. It also displays exactly what has gone wrong in the form
of a series of numbers.