Is it possible to put my PC-HD in my Amiga, without having to
format it so I can copy some files over from my Amiga?
It depends on the type of hard drive and the file system used.
If it's MSDOS or Win 3, you can transfer it to the Amiga provided
it has the same sort of interface. Using CrossDOS, which comes with
OS2.1+, you have to include the letter C or D as the last character
in the drive name in the mountlist or DOSDriver. Here's one for an
MSDOS Zip disk (a DOSDriver file called DHC). You should be able to
adapt it for your needs.
CrossDOS file system entry for drive DHC:
Device = scsi.device
Unit = 6
Flags = 0
Surfaces = 1
BlocksPerTrack = 68
Reserved = 0
Interleave = 0
SecOrg = 1
LowCyl = 0 ; HighCyl = 2891
FileSystem = L:CrossDOSFileSystem
Stacksize = 4000
Priority = 5
GlobVec = -1
DosType = 0x4D534800
Buffers = 5
BufMemType = 1