How do I mount my PC formatted SCSI drive to be read on the
Well you can try several programs that may make it easier to
mount the drive. Mount Dos and SCSI mounter are apparently quite
good at this sort of thing. If this fails you can try this example
mount list.
Device = scsi.device
Unit = 1
Flags = 0
Surfaces = 1
BlocksPerTrack = 63
Reserved = 1
Interleave = 0
SecOrg = 1
LowCyl = 1
HighCyl = 1647
FileSystem = L:MultiDosFilesystem
Buffers = 30
BufMemType = 1
Stacksize = 2500
Priority = 4
GlobVec = -1
DosType = 0x4D534400
Mount = 1
You must change the Device, BlockPerTrack and HighCyl. You will
also require MultiDosFilesystem". This can be found on Aminet.