Can I run another Kickstart on my Amiga?
There are quite a number of softkickers available to do the job.
These require a ROM image that will be copied into memory and then
reboot. The best of the lot is probably SKickPro, which allows you
to load different Kickstart versions in from a menu screen.
Alternatively there is ReloKICK, which only works with Kickstart
1.3 images, and Tude that doesn't need a ROM image at all and comes
with a number of configurations to get certain games working.
For those with a faster processor there is Ultimate Amiga Emulator (UAE), a Unix port
of the famous Amiga emulator. It offers a number of features, such
as loading games in a window. However, it is a bit to slow on
anything less than a PowerPC processor, running at an average of
two frames per second. If you have a Blizzard accelerator board,
you can also get a Kickstart emulator that uses the MMU to emulate
a Kickstart. This runs quite well and can be use with a number of
Last Update: 1/11/2001